30 Top Sambas - Various
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1999 (CD) DLD 1087
Start@ArtistInstr.Suggested By(:Rating)
I Go To Rio Samba 50 Mitchell, Ross
GNL 4/10
Feel Like Making Love Samba 50 CFD
Jibaro Real Audio
Samba 50 Mitchell, Ross
GNL 6/10
Samba De Orfeu Samba 50 Garner, Lynn
GNL 6/10
Hot Hot Hot Samba 50 Crane, Tony
Soul Limbo Samba 50 Mitchell, Ross
GNL 3/10
I Love Your Smile Samba 50 Mitchell, Ross
Move Baby Move Real Audio
Samba 50 Mitchell, Ross
GNL 7/10
Spring Samba Samba 50 Garner, Lynn
GNL 7/10
Mistletoe Jam Samba 52 Mitchell, Ross
GNL 6/10
Iko Iko Samba 50 Mitchell, Ross
GNL 5/10
Coffee Song Samba 50 Dance & Listen Orchestra
December '63 Samba 50 Crane, Tony
Mas Que Nada Samba 50 Garner, Lynn
Hey Mambo Samba 50 Mitchell, Ross
Check Out the Groove Samba 50 CFD
All Night Long Samba 50 Mitchell, Ross
GNL 3/10
I Can't Help Talking About You Samba 50 Mackintosh, Ken
Kumono Nagareni Samba 50 Garner, Lynn
I Love You And Don't You Forget It Samba 50 Mitchell, Ross
Besta E Tu Samba 52 Studio Latin
GNL 8/10
This Is the Real Thing Samba 50 CFD
Zambezi Samba 50 Mitchell, Ross
GNL 6/10
Ease De Tension Samba 50 Mitchell, Ross
GNL 7/10
La Bamba Samba 50 Crane, Tony
GNL 7/10
Something In My Eye Samba 50 Mitchell, Ross
Late In the Evening Samba 50 CFD
Quand Tu Chantes Real Audio
Samba 50 Mitchell, Ross
GNL 7/10
Oye Mi Canto Samba 52 Walton, Peter
My Affair Samba 52 Studio Latin
GNL 6/10

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Last changed on 2005-09-25 14:24:33

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